Gallery #SBM24


Here you can find all gallerys of #SBM24. If you like to share pictures on your channels, then simply scroll down and download! 
These pictures are for private use only, in case of commercial use please contact us.

You can also have a look at our Facebook Fanpage.

We would be delighted if you tag us (Instagram: @studio_bloc_darmstadt).
Feel free to use the following hashtags #studioblocmasters2024 #sbm24 #studiobloc 

Please name the photographer in case of use. Tag @block.chiller on Instagram or @René Oberkirch on Facebook.

Please name the photographer in case of use. Tag @just_bouldering on Instagram or @Tobias Goldzahn on Facebook.

Please name the photographer in case of use. Tag @block.chiller on Instagram or @René Oberkirch on Facebook.

Please name the photographer in case of use. Tag @just_bouldering on Instagram or @Tobias Goldzahn on Facebook.

Please name the photographer in case of use. Tag @just_bouldering on Instagram or @Tobias Goldzahn on Facebook.